Pillsbury Memorial Town Hall
93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH
Sutton Mills, NH 03221
Select Board Nonpublic Minutes

August 21th, 2024, 5pm

At 5:01 pm Nancy Glynn made a motion to enter a non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (d) the acquisition, sale, or lease of real or personal property which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community. Michael McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Present at the meeting were: Glenn Pogust, Select Board Chair; Michael McManus, Select Board Member; Nancy Glynn, Selectboard Member; Julia Jones, Town Administrator; and Jim Bruss, Principal of Relax and Co.

The Board met with James Bruss on behalf of his client to discuss a potential donation of real estate for conservation purposes.

Pogust expressed the Board’s interest in the Town of Sutton owning and managing the Wabasso properties to ensure the highest and best use of the properties, and to ensure that the properties do not fall into disuse. He highlighted zoning limitations that may prohibit some activities, including commercial operations and overnight summer activities on the Wabasso properties.

Bruss shared his donor’s intention to make a $1MM non-refundable offer to secure an exclusive option to buy the properties during a 90–120-day period.

Glynn confirmed that the Town would need to vote to accept the properties at town meeting and emphasized the importance of gaining support for the proposal.

Bruss shared that the donor is willing to purchase and hold the property temporarily until the Town is ready to accept the transfer.

The Board and Bruss discussed community interest in the properties’ future use. The Board discussed potential uses for the property, including educational programing, day camps, trails, recreational activities, and partnerships with local organizations. The Board emphasized the importance of public access and the Town’s obligation to provide it should the Town accept the property. The Board and Bruss discussed the need for environmental assessments (Phase 1 and possibly Phase 2) before the Town could accept the property.

The Town Administrator emphasized that a significant endowment would be crucial for the maintenance of the properties.

Bruss recommended that a nonprofit be formed to support the properties through fundraising and grant writing. Bruss described a proposal to build workforce housing units on or near the property. In addition to the donor’s endowment, the proposal aims to provide long-term funding for the properties through the sale of these units.

Pogust and Bruss discussed the zoning implications of building workforce housing units on or near the property. Pogust emphasized the importance of compliance and feasibility. Possible locations were discussed, including the Country Club of New Hampshire. Bruss referenced New Medusa Neighborhood Farm as an example. The Board and Bruss discussed the housing crisis, the need for solutions, and community concerns about the density of new developments.

McManus shared his interest in relocating the fire department, town offices, and police department to a new building near Exit 10 on land owned by the Country Club.

Bruss asked for clarification on the Town’s procurement process. The Board confirmed that the Town does not have a formal procurement committee, which would have implications for the transfer of property.

The Town Administrator emphasized the importance of transparency and effective communication with the public on this project. Bruss offered a referral to a publicist, and to pay for their services. The Town Administrator expressed concern that such an arrangement may present a conflict of interest. McManus made a motion to authorize the Town Administrator to engage a publicist with a budget not to exceed $5,000. Glynn seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

At 5:57pm McManus made a motion to prepare a letter of support for Relax and Company’s proposal for an anonymous donor to purchase all the Camp Wabasso properties and then donate them to the Town of Sutton. Glynn seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

McManus revisited the potential development of the Country Club of New Hampshire. Bruss discussed the possibility of contacting the real estate brokers regarding the sale of the Country Club.

At 6:01pm Bruss left the meeting.

The Town Administrator emphasized the importance of transparency and compliance with NH RSA 91:A and reviewed rules regarding communication among committee members. She reminded the Board that two members of the Board constitute a quorum. She reviewed proper procedures for public meetings, including noticing requirements.

The Board established a plan for completing a letter of support for Town Counsel to review in advance of the proposal deadline.

The Board discussed the possibility of establishing a Parks and Recreation Commission, and the ability to name the Select Board as that commission. The Commission could establish a Parks and Recreation Department. The Board discussed ways to generate revenue from the property, such as renting out cabins. The Board discussed the role of the Trustees of the Trust Funds in managing funds endowed to the Town. The Board discussed concerns about the donor’s $100,000 offer to cover legal expenses. The Board discussed potential uses and agreed on the importance of zoning compliance.

At 6:26pm Glynn made a motion to leave the non-public session. McManus seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Once back in public session, McManus made a motion to seal the minutes pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (d) the acquisition, sale, or lease of real or personal property which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community. Glynn seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.