Town of Sutton

Pillsbury Memorial Hall

93 Main Street Sutton Mills, NH 03221

Select Board Minutes

September 3rd, 2024, 6pm

Pledge of Allegiance:

Select Board Chair Glenn Pogust opened the meeting at 6:00pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Glenn Pogust, Select Board Chair; Michael McManus, Select Board Member; Nancy Glynn, Selectboard Member; and Julia Jones, Town Administrator.

Also present at the meeting were: Town Clerk/Tax Collector Beth-Holly LaDuke, Judy Parkinson, Jo-Alla Barney Markson, Vicki-Hunt Willard, Clyde Robbins, Shan Morrissey, Don Davis, Harry Ford, Peg Ford, Andy Jeffrey, Dorothy Jeffrey, Carrol Bellevieau, Kate Bailey, Leon C. Malan, Laura Hallahan, John Bennett, and Michael Sigournea.



Beth-Holly LaDuke, Town Clerk to discuss proposed Clerk’s Office and Election budgets and the employee evaluation process regarding the Deputy Clerk


The Select Board reviewed the proposed budgets with the Town Clerk and discussed some of the changes requested from the prior year. The Select Board asked the Town Clerk to prepare a written evaluation for the Deputy Clerk and the Town Administrator offered to provide a template for that purpose.


At 6:12pm McManus made a motion to accept the public minutes from August 26th as corrected. Glynn seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

The Board agreed to postpone discussion of the nonpublic minutes from August 26th, and public and non-public minutes from August 21st at the request of the Town Administrator.


The Board reviewed and approved the following manifests:

Payroll: $ 17,080.46  
Vendor: $ 12,937.65  


Building Permits:

The Board reviewed and approved a $50,000 building permit for a free-standing 24’ x 24’ garage submitted by David Normandy for parcel 01-922-155 located at 129 Cottage Lane.

New Business:

The Board discussed the NHMA Annual Conference scheduled for October 30th-31st. The Board agreed to revisit registration for the event at a future meeting.

Hazardous tree removal. The Board authorized the Town Administrator to engage a local arborist to remove a hazardous tree reported to the Town Administrator after verifying the hazard with the Road Agent.  The Town Administrator is permitted to use her discretion in engaging a local arborist without first obtaining approval from the Select Board so that the hazardous condition can be remediated as quickly as possible. She can then report to the Select Board at their next Select Board meeting.

Old Business:

The Board reviewed Town Counsel’s advice on a repurchase deed to transfer ownership of parcel 05-710-520 located on Shadow Hill Rd. McManus acknowledge Counsel’s advice, but expressed opposition to signing the deed and conveying the property back to the former owner based on the length of time that has passed since the property was deeded to the Town, the absence of a formal policy adopted by the Select Board for the sale of town property, and because of the number of parties interested in acquiring the property. Pogust and Glynn expressed support for signing the deed and conveying the property back to the former owner based on the advice of Counsel. Pogust highlighted the former owner’s good faith efforts to reclaim the property. Pogust and Glynn signed the deed providing the necessary two Select Board signatures. McManus acknowledged the position taken by Pogust and Glynn but chose  not to sign the deed.

The Board discussed the need for policy and procedure for the sale of tax deeded property and directed the Town Administrator to schedule a meeting with Town Counsel to begin developing a policy.

The Board directed the Town Administrator to prepare a list of tax deeded property.

The Board acknowledged receipt of the FMLA Employee Guide and directed the Town Administrator to post it for employees to read and reference in the workplace.

The Board reviewed proposed revisions to the personnel policy, confirmed that they had no additional comments or revisions to the current draft, and directed the Town Administrator to send revisions to Town Counsel and Primex for review.

Pogust shared that an anonymous donor has submitted a proposal to the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts offering to purchase all the Camp Wabasso properties and then donate them to the Town of Sutton with the understanding that the Town will pursue uses focused on protecting the Wabasso properties from future development. Pogust shared that this generous offer includes a commitment to provide a substantial endowment to enable the Town to work with community partners to develop a range of uses for these properties, while also ensuring that most of the Wabasso properties will be conserved and protected as open space. Pogust shared the Board’s goal to provide educational and recreational activities and programs designed to engage residents of all ages, including camp-like experiences for school-age children.

Pogust explained that the Town would be asked to vote at our March 2025 Town Meeting to accept this gift of real property. He shared the Board’s intention to work with the donor’s representative and PlanNH to engage residents of Sutton, and a broad range of interested non-profits, including local youth groups and land preservation organizations, to develop a plan for the use of these properties.

Pogust acknowledged the community’s interest in the Wabasso properties, as well as the broad range of hopes and ideas regarding their future use. Pogust stated the Board’s commitment to engaging the public in a thorough and transparent public process to inform the public on this opportunity and establish a plan that provides the best the possible outcomes.

Review of correspondence:

The Board reviewed correspondence from Harry Gural regarding the anticipated sale of the Camp Wabasso properties and noted that his questions have been addressed in the Select Board comments and Public Input from this meeting, which will be set forth in the Meeting Minutes.

The Board reviewed correspondence from Arif Gungorur regarding tax deeded foreclosures and directed the Town Administrator to respond by saying that the Town has not adopted a policy to sell tax deeded property and has not established a plan to sell such property at this time.

Public Input:

Michael Sigourney expressed concern for potential uses of the Camp Wabasso Properties as the largest abutter to the camp. He raised liability and privacy concerns should recreators trespass onto his private property. Pogust acknowledged  Sigourney’s concerns and said that addressing those issues should be part of the process in identifying uses for the property and deciding the areas of the properties to be used for different activities. Pogust shared the Town’s successful response to visitors trespassing on private property abutting the King Ridge Reservation. By communicating with abutters and working with Ausbon Sargent to educate recreators, the Town was able to address this issue.

Sigourney expressed interest in potential uses for the properties and expressed his opposition to canoeing, kayaking, and motorized watercraft on Billings Pond. Pogust acknowledged Sigourney’s concerns, emphasizing that it is too early for the Board to commit to specific uses or restrictions.

McManus shared the possibility of forming a Parks and Recreation Department to manage the property and potential uses. McManus discussed a range of possible use, including  horse riding, camping, and potential partnerships with nonprofit organizations that offer this type of programming. McManus discussed zoning restrictions and implications for specific uses.

Glynn discussed the possibility of building a playground and partnering with the school district or other nonprofits to develop uses that prioritize conservation.

Andy Jeffrey, Chair of the Friends of Wabasso Committee, expressed his support for this proposal and reflected positively on the abundance of ideas and resources.

Carol Belliveau asked if a proposal would be presented at Town Meeting in March. Pogust clarified that a warrant article would be presented at Town Meeting in March to see if the Town would vote to accept the Wabasso Properties. He shared the Board’s intention to work with the donor’s representative and PlanNH ahead of Town Meeting to engage residents of Sutton, and a broad range of interested non-profits, including local youth groups and land preservation organizations, to develop a plan for the use of these properties so that residents will have a better understanding of how the properties will be used when it comes time to vote on accepting the donation of the land.

Belliveau expressed support for an intergenerational community center that could incorporate educational programing. Glynn expressed support for a community center. Pogust acknowledged that the Master Plan identified the need for a community center in Sutton.

Pogust shared the Board’s intention to work with the donor and Plan NH to hold charrettes, which bring together diverse professionals to brainstorm recommendations to address challenges a community faces. Pogust shared the donor’s intention to provide funding for such planning activities.

Jo-Ala Barney-Markson expressed concern for the quality of Blaisdell Lake. She shared concerns that this project could attract more visitors and boating activity.

Cindy Roberts, President of the Blaisdell Lake Association, echoed Barney-Markson’s concerns and asked who would be responsible for funding additional water quality monitoring and Lake Hosts. Roberts expressed concern that by offering free access to Blaisdell, the Town may reduce the Blaisdell Lake Association’s boat launch revenues.

Pogust emphasized the importance of water quality and monitoring and suggested that the endowment might be used to fund additional water quality monitoring and Lake Hosts on Blaisdell Lake. A discussion proceeded between members of the audience and the Board regarding access to Blaisdell Lake.

Donald Davis acknowledged that Town Meeting is just six months away and asked if that was enough time to complete the planning process. Pogust clarified that the planning process does not need to be completed prior to Town Meeting. Davis and Pogust discussed the process for engaging volunteers to lead planning efforts and recommended the Board include members of the Conservation Commission, Fire Department, and the Planning Board. Pogust added land trusts and local non-profit organizations to the list of partners the Town would want to engage. Davis asked when the Board would ask for volunteers. Pogust explained that the Board would need to wait to see if the proposal is accepted before engaging volunteers.

Vicky Willard expressed support for swimming lessons at Blaisdell lake and expressed concern for negative outcomes if the Wabasso properties are not monitored properly, including fires, vandalism, and littering.

Michael Sigourney expressed concern for increased road traffic, culvert maintenance, and the introduction of invasive species if boats continue to enter Billing’s Pond. Sigourney reiterated concerns that this project could attract more visitors, create more congestion, and increase boating activity.

Barney-Markson asked what was proposed for the property abutting High Mowing Rd. Pogust shared that this land could be conserved for wildlife corridors, and/or used for horse riding. It’s a different type of property such that different types of uses would be considered.

Glynn discussed trail development, and the possibility of nonmotorized sports, including mountain biking.

Judy Parkinson thanked the Board for bringing this opportunity to the Town and for their investment in the project.

Pogust expressed the Board’s desire to work with the public to make the Camp Wabasso properties a place everyone can enjoy. Pogust invited all those present to participate by attending and providing input when Board meets to discuss the path forward.

Barney-Markson asked how to participate and stay informed going forward. Pogust and the Town Administrator encouraged the public to continue to read Select Board agendas and minutes and attend meetings to stay informed. The Town Administrator invited interested parties to share their input with the Board by e-mail at Correspondence received before Wednesday at 12pm will be shared with the Board and discussed at the next possible meeting. She also encouraged members of the public to subscribe to Sutton News, a free weekly newsletter with a digest of content posted to the website each week. Visit the bottom righthand corner of the Town webpage to subscribe!

Select Board Comments:


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Julia Jones

Town Administrator